Fight misinformation and fake news with our AI-powered fact-checker.
With Genaios you'll get access to reliable sources that support or contradict any claim, helping you make decisions about the validity of digital content you consume.
Paste any claim, URL, or document, to validate claims directly. Our AI-powered system will detect the claims, and fact-check them for you.
Sources that support or refute each detected claim will be presented to you for validation.
Read the sources, visit the links, and decide. Now the information is in your hands.
Enhance your fact-checking workflow:
- Verify breaking news
- Cross-reference sources
- Track information origins
- Support investigative reporting
Promote information literacy in academic settings:
- Verify research materials
- Teach critical thinking
- Support student research
- Combat academic misinformation
Maintain content accuracy:
- Verify viral claims
- Check trending topics
- Monitor information spread
- Prevent misinformation sharing
Developed in-house for enhanced security.
Fact-check, detect AI content, and spot text reuse in one click.
Get detailed reports within seconds.
All Latin-Alphabet languages supported.
Share reports easily inside your team.