AI Text Detector

Distinguish between human and AI-written content.

Our in-house developed and researched AI text detection technology helps you validate what has been written by humans, and what has been written by AI.

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How Our AI Detector Works:

Input Your Text

You can copy and paste a text snippet, upload a document, or scan a URL.

Obtain the Probability of AI & Human Text Generation

Scans to detect possible AI-generated text and flags these snippets in red, so you can easily spot AI generated fragments.

Identify the Specific AI Model Family (GPT, Llama, Copilot, etc.)

Genaios goes further and provides useful information about the Language Family that was used to generate AI detected text.

Practical Applications

Academic Integrity

Support educational institutions in maintaining standards:

- Detect AI-generated assignments
- Promote critical thinking in the classroom
- Maintain original content

Professional Publishing

Maintain journalistic integrity and credibility:

- Ensure transparency in AI usage disclosure
- Verify guest post authenticity
- Check submitted articles
- Protect your platform's reputation

Content Moderation

Protect your platform from fake AI-generated reviews, bots, and trolls:

- Automatically flag suspicious reviews
- Identify bot-generated comments
- Enhance customer trust
- Save moderation time

Why Genaios?

Responsible AI Technology

Developed in-house for enhanced security.


Fact-check, detect AI content, and spot text reuse in one click.

Lightning-Fast Results

Get detailed reports within seconds.

Multi-Language Support

All Latin-Alphabet languages supported.


Share reports easily inside your team.

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